My HeartMath® Coaching Services include:

1 on 1 Private Online Coaching in HeartMath® for Stress, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation

  • Individual Sessions $100.00/60 minutes
  • Package of Three Sessions $290.00 Save $10.00
  • Package of Six  Sessions. $575.00. Save $25.00.

Free WeAddHeart Group Meditation once a month.

  • 4th Wednesday of each month.
  • 35 minute guided practice. Get on my mailing list to attend!



HeartMath Experience Presentation for Organizations 60 minute $125.00 on Zoom with interactive breakout rooms.

HeartMath® Coaching Sessions

HeartMath Coaching and Training Sessions

For Small Group Coaching Sessions Up to 10 people online, reach out to Andrea Trank.

Articles about HeartMath®

Moving is Like Child Birth!

Moving is Like Child Birth!

Certified Yoga Teacher, Emotional Coach and Health Coach Andrea Trank shares what happened to her during three life changing events this past month and how she coped. She hopes to have you laughing and inspired as you read this account. Full of helpful tips and a sneak peak at her house for sale.

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If Not Now, Then When?

If Not Now, Then When?

Yes...but.... Mark Nepo, a spiritual leader, author and cancer survivor… wrote it this way… "It keeps coming down to this:  There is no tomorrow,...

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Andrea Trank is an affiliate for the HeartMath® programs.

HeartMath offers science-based technologies and programs for taking charge of your life These products are based on a significant body of research and empirical evidence developed over the last 28 years.

The products and programs developed by HeartMath are proven to help individuals reduce stress and anxiety by increasing their inner balance and self-security.

While research is at the foundation it is the application in day-to-day practice that is the most significant form of validation. HeartMath has come to be used and recommended by many tens of thousands of doctor-and masters-level health professionals around the world over the past twenty years in a wide variety of physical and mental health modalities.

Click below to watch a Free video series HeartMath® Experience.

The HeartMath Experience
Inner Balance Bluetooth from HeartMath

Click on the logo above to shop HeartMath® products.

Andrea Trank is an affiliate for HeartMath®. She may earn a small commission from purchases through the link above.

Please feel free to contact me at 239-634-0739 or to sign up for a consultation to discover how Heaven Lane can work with you on the path to health and happiness.
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