Balancing your Chakras through Yoga and Essential Oils

Your Chakras are the energetic wheels within your subtle body connecting all the rivers of energy to your main energetic channel.  In Yoga and its sister science Ayurveda, most physical and emotional diseases can be traced to imbalances in these Chakra areas.  Learn about the Chakras through a comprehensive yoga practice. 

A Day of Balance – Wednesday October 24th

Explore your energy channels with Chakra balancing through yoga, essential oils, and jewelry making. Double the fun, bring a friend! 

10 – 11 am Yoga for Chakra balancing.  We will explore all the Chakras in this special FREE class.
11:30 – 12:30 Essential Oils 101.  Get the facts.  Learn how to use essential oils safely. 
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Aromatherapy bracelet and Chakra Workshop $25 includes all supplies to make the bracelet, a sample of essential oils and a great handout on Balancing Your Chakras and the use of Oils.
5:30 – 8:30 pm Stay for the Jewelry Shopping Experience.  Drawings for free earrings and essential oils

Heaven Lane’s Beautiful Jewelry on Display

Essential Oil Give-aways and Beautiful Aromatherapy Jewelry on Display round out this Day of Balance. Join us in a week-long event celebrating Heaven Lane’s One Year Anniversary.  To see the other activities, click here

Make your own aromatherapy bracelet Workshop 2:00- 4:30 pm

Andrea will help you design the perfect chakra balancing bracelet using her beautiful assortment of stones and findings.  Then you will select your essential oil sample to match your Chakra balancing needs.  All for just $25.  Please RSVP for this event. 

Please RSVP for Chakra balancing and bracelet making workshop below.

13 + 2 =

We would love to see you the week of the open house, (click here for calendar and directions) but if you are out of town or cannot make it, Please feel free to contact me at 239-634-0739 or for a FREE 30-minute consultation, and discover how Heaven Lane can work with you on the path to health and happiness. If you are interested in jewelry, you can use the contact form or order through my ETSY store.

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