The Importance of Reslishing or Savoring Even Small Successes!
Do you take a moment to relish your triumphs? Do you pause to acknowledge your resilience in overcoming obstacles or navigating tricky situations? Many of us hesitate to do so, perhaps feeling it’s too boastful or self-centered. Yet, there’s immense power in embracing and celebrating those moments when you genuinely feel proud of yourself.
Here’s why: Savoring serves as a way to connect with and befriend your nervous system. Through this practice, you reinforce neural pathways that bolster your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, ultimately enhancing your resilience. Who wouldn’t want that?
I’ll share some recent instances of self-congratulation to encourage you to do the same for yourself.
In case you’re not aware, I avoided flying for over 30 years. However, last weekend was different. Over the course of four days, our family flew to and from Colorado to facilitate Mark’s mother meeting her great-granddaughter for the first time. The pilot warned us of turbulence on the way there, and he wasn’t exaggerating. Employing my HeartMath emotional regulation techniques and relying on my favorite mantra, “faith not fear,” I managed to stay calm and composed.
It May Not Seem Like a Big Deal to Others, But it is!
During our return flight, we faced a one-hour delay due to a pregnant woman falling ill before takeoff. Despite the setback, I stayed remarkably unfazed, utilizing the time to reflect and document our visit with Isabela. Arriving home well past midnight, I recognized and acknowledged that I would be feeling very fatigued for the next few days. By doing this, I avoided exacerbating my post travel digestive issues. “YEAH ME! ” I prevented further digestive discomfort through shifting my nervous system with Gentle Somatic Yoga.
All throughout the week, I have been pausing and complimenting myself on how I am handing traveling and disruption to my gut these days. Doing so continues to lessen my symptoms. It seems so simple, but it does require mindful attention.
First, you need to catch the negative thoughts and then you learn ways to spin them into “personal success stories.”
If you have trouble doing this without visuals, surrond yourself with positive images. I am sharing some of mine from our recent trip.
Can I Help You Learn to Savor the Sweet Moments for Your Health?
If you’re looking to cultivate a greater appreciation for your achievements or bolster your energy and resilience through tools like HeartMath and other somatic practices for nervous system regulation, don’t hesitate to reach out.
I’m offering a complimentary 30-minute consultation following completion of the Stress and Wellbeing Assessment I use. Use the following link to set something up with me. You will automatically get the link to SWBA HeartMath assessment when you do. We will then set up your FREE 30 minute consultation
Here is to Aging Vibrantly No Matter What You are Facing!