Self-Empowerment and Self-Healing Begin with Self Love

Please join us in a very important day and the culmination to our Healthy Celebration on Heaven Lane with the most important skill you can learn in your healing journey – Self Empowerment. Self Love is essential in order to discover your full potential in life and embrace your own personal power. Self-healing is made possible through self-care and the belief in your own personal healing power. Discover the healing, growth, empowering and blessings that Self Love can bring into your life when you practice it daily. 

In my arduous journey into discovering a healthier life I have been so blessed with many mentors including the friendship and advice from Author and Self Love Advocate Monica Garcia Saenz. She has become my soul sister and spiritual mentor and in sharing our stories we have discovered the power of Self Love together and we want to share it with you.  Monica will share some poetry as well as some valuable strategies that all of us can use as we learn to heal and love ourselves.  I will offer meditation techniques and we invite all our guests to share their stories of self-love and empowerment.  

A Day of Self Empowerment – Thursday October 25th

10:30 – 12:00 A Round table discussion on Self love, Self-Healing and Self Empowerment with Author and Self Love Advocate Monica Garcia Saenz. Come explore and share ideas on how to practice self love on a daily basis. Bring a notebook and write a love letter to yourself. Gather ideas on how to heal and empower your mind, body and spirit through meditation, positive affirmations and self care.     

12:15 – 2:15 pm Supper with our Sisters – Potluck Style Meal – please bring a dish.

3:30 – 5:00 pm Damsels in Defense Amy Rybicki, Independent Damsel Pro with Damsel in Defense will equip, educate and empower you to protect yourself and your family through education on situational awareness and training on personal protection products. Damsel in Defense’s mission is to empower, educate and equip women to protect themselves and their children from assault.  Learn safety tips, situational awareness strategies and hands on training with personal protection products.

No Need to RSVP. We will be collecting food for a friend in need if you want to share.

7 + 10 =

We would love to see you the week of the open house, (click here for calendar and directions) but if you are out of town or cannot make it, Please feel free to contact me at 239-634-0739 or for a FREE 30-minute consultation, and discover how Heaven Lane can work with you on the path to health and happiness. If you are interested in jewelry, you can use the contact form or order through my ETSY store.
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