What’s the Difference and Why it Matters! Thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes– I think we all confuse these terms a bit. Having studied and practiced yoga for many years, and learned about HeartMath tools and the Polyvagal theory most recently, I...
Halloween Scares Me a Bit because it Starts the Sugar Craving Season! Confession Time: When I was a child, I loved sugar. My favorites included TastyKake Butterscotch Crimpets and at Halloween, Kit Kats. My memories of Halloween include counting the stash of candy...
What Does Normalcy Feel to You? Stop reading for a moment and close your eyes and sense this in your body. For me, it feels energetic and relaxed at the same time. This weekend I got a taste of normalcy having one of my children, Daniel, and his significant other,...
Why Bottom-Up not Top-Down May Work for Mental Health! Today is World Mental Health Day. Perhaps we should rename this as “The Role of the Nervous System World Mental Health Day.” Here is what I have learned through my own mental health healing journey. When I was in...
What Brought You to the Yoga Mat? If I took a poll at my yoga classes that I teach in person or online, I would guess that 60 percent of the students want to feel better in their bodies and 25 percent want to feel better in their psyche including mental, emotional and...