Taking the Fear Out of Medical Testing!

Taking the Fear Out of Medical Testing!

Do You Dread Medical Tests? Do you avoid medical testing until you are really sick or injured?  I have experienced the White Coat Syndrome.  It was strong in me for years.  In fact, I remember calling my stepdad, who was a medical doctor so often during my thirties...
20% of US Adults Have Chronic Pain! Are You One of Them?

20% of US Adults Have Chronic Pain! Are You One of Them?

What is chronic pain and how is different from acute pain? The Cleveland Clinic defines chronic pain as pain that lasts longer than six months and continues despite the resolving of the original injury.   Acute pain, on the other hand, occurs after a very distinct...
Is It A Rational Decision or Not?

Is It A Rational Decision or Not?

Time is Not the Only Thing Needed for Healing! It has been a year since Mark and I learned first-hand the destructive force of water.  The storm surge was not what we had prepared for and worried about prior to Hurricane Ian.  That changed on Sept. 28, 2022.  We no...
Energy Equation

Energy Equation

What Happens When Healthy Eating Becomes a Big Chore? In all honesty, I have really been struggling with eating my normal healthy meals during the last month.   First, we had to keep our house immaculate in Fort Myers while showing it for sale.  We just closed on it...
Summertime and Your Energy Budget

Summertime and Your Energy Budget

Getting off the Energy Roller Coaster  “Summertime and living is easy”, so says Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald in this famous song.  But when you are on a roller coaster of emotions and energy from living with chronic pain or a chronic autoimmune condition it may...
Five Ways to Stay Healthy During Big Life Transitions

Five Ways to Stay Healthy During Big Life Transitions

When you are too busy to do your normal healthy routines, you need some small practices to rely on! Last week I shared a personal story about how life transitions, even positive ones, can wreak havoc on us physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I also hinted at how I...
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