The Intelligent Heart

The Intelligent Heart

Is Your Heart Guiding Your Decisions?  If Not, Think Again! The heart is much more than an organ that pumps blood. Spiritual leaders across various traditions have recognized this for thousands of years. For over thirty years, scientists have also demonstrated some of...
Savoring Your Successes Can Improve Your Health

Savoring Your Successes Can Improve Your Health

The Importance of Reslishing or Savoring Even Small Successes! Do you take a moment to relish your triumphs? Do you pause to acknowledge your resilience in overcoming obstacles or navigating tricky situations? Many of us hesitate to do so, perhaps feeling it’s...
20% of US Adults Have Chronic Pain! Are You One of Them?

20% of US Adults Have Chronic Pain! Are You One of Them?

What is chronic pain and how is different from acute pain? The Cleveland Clinic defines chronic pain as pain that lasts longer than six months and continues despite the resolving of the original injury.   Acute pain, on the other hand, occurs after a very distinct...
Summertime and Your Energy Budget

Summertime and Your Energy Budget

Getting off the Energy Roller Coaster  “Summertime and living is easy”, so says Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald in this famous song.  But when you are on a roller coaster of emotions and energy from living with chronic pain or a chronic autoimmune condition it may...
Five Ways to Stay Healthy During Big Life Transitions

Five Ways to Stay Healthy During Big Life Transitions

When you are too busy to do your normal healthy routines, you need some small practices to rely on! Last week I shared a personal story about how life transitions, even positive ones, can wreak havoc on us physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I also hinted at how I...
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