What Happens When Healthy Eating Becomes a Big Chore?

In all honesty, I have really been struggling with eating my normal healthy meals during the last month.   First, we had to keep our house immaculate in Fort Myers while showing it for sale.  We just closed on it hallelujah. Then we packed most of our belongings and put them in storage until we sold and bought a new home in Norfolk. (We are closing on our new home August 8th– a double hallelujah) 

Living in a cramped apartment without all of my wonderful kitchen appliances and space has presented its share of challenges.  But I was determined to get back to cooking and preparing food that supports healing. So I figured out as many healthy shortcuts as I could and I am sharing them with you in this blog.  

Food as Fuel– the Healthy Smoothie!

I know how much better I feel when I eat healthy foods rather than snack on salty and sweet items.  But what makes this difficult is that when you are tired, you have more cravings for sweet treats.  And when its hot outside, you crave something cold.  The healthy smoothie is an answer to this dilemma.  In the next video, I show you some ways to make it super nutritious and super easy. 

Making Your Own Food is a Sure Fire Way to Get Healthier

There are many things in life you cannot control, that is a given.  Fretting over those things was something I was quite familiar with during my 30s, 40s and 50s.  One of the biggest ways I learned to control my health is through diet.  I am available to help you get more comfortable in the kitchen.  I offer online group and private cooking classes (reach out to schedule) and I have many different recipes on my website blog.  Just search cooking and recipes.

And if you are wondering how what you eat affects things like your mood and your level of pain, I can tell you from personal experience and research, they are so related.  So if you need ways to reduce your low back and hip pain, then sign up below for this free video.   


With Heart,


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