Travel Log Colorado Summer 2021
We just returned from 16 days on the road. We were literally on the road for 7 of those days. In all, we slept on eight different beds during our trip. Do not get me wrong! It was an amazing vacation full of extraordinary mountain vistas, challenging hikes, precious family moments, and lots of laughs. However, when facing a chronic condition as I do, the keys to maintaining my health are highly dependent on routines: regular mindful movement, a positive mindset, eating highly nutritious organic food at regular times, sleeping well at regular times, staying hydrated with clean water all day, and going to the bathroom regularly. Many of these things can be challenging during a road trip. Here is what worked for me. Maybe you will glean some helpful information from these tips.

Keep your sense of humor and spirits up and try to avoid the negative talk like “what if?” For instance, we had decided to drive to Colorado (2200 miles each way) so we could include our two dogs on a trip to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday and there were moments that we questioned our sanity, like when our dogs got carsick, or when we got a bill for $250 for a lousy eight-hour stay in a hotel that gouged us (unfortunately the hotel/motel scene took advantage of the high demand for travel, so we weren’t the only ones). The decision to bring our dogs may have been misguided; however, when we looked at the situation in Fort Myers when we left—with a hurricane bearing down on us, we would have been worried about them our entire trip. So rather than say “what if”, we said, “let’s make the best of it!”

Mindful Movement
- Take short yoga and breathing breaks throughout the trip whenever possible. It may not be what you are used to, but it will keep the habit going. Here are a few I shared on the road.
Nutrition, Supplements, and Hydration
- Pack your own food as much as possible. We loaded a big cooler packed with fresh foods. Day 1 included prepared food, day 2 was leftovers from that prepared food and fresh fruit and vegetables, and day 3 included dried fruit, veggie juices, organic food bars, nuts, seeds, glass bottled water for me (I don’t drink bottled water in plastic bottles for many reasons). Each day we made sure to get in fresh fruits and vegetables and some sort of healthy protein just like at home.
- Take your supplements and herbs just like you do at home. I added a few more supplements to help me go to the bathroom on the road. If you have a tendency toward constipation, it will be worse when traveling. Make sure you spend the time you need in the bathroom. I added more of my normal digestive aids. Not shown in the picture below is Magnesium Oxide I take, as well.
- Drink far more clean water than you normally drink even though that means more bathroom breaks. We found the cleanest bathrooms to be at the Love Truck Stops on the road. We also stopped at Starbucks, Whole Foods, and other natural food stores whenever we found one. College towns are great for having more choices available.

- For me, sleep is aided by setting up the circumstances as close to my home sleeping environment. If you feel that way, then bring your supplies. I brought my essential oils and a portable diffuser and my pillows and pillowcases. Nevertheless, sleep was the most challenging part of the trip. Since arriving back, I am very fatigued and needing more naps and downtime.

What I have noticed since arriving home is that the two-plus week pause in my busy schedule was great for me mentally but challenging physically. So now the question is how to get back into balance again. I began the process this weekend by sleeping in, rubbing Ayurvedic oils over my body to move my lymph, eating homemade bone broth with lots of vegetables, and doing some Gentle Somatic Yoga and Chakra Tuning. I am starting to feel like myself again, ready for a full schedule of teaching, coaching, and writing. I would love to hear about your strategies for maintaining physical health during traveling.