Chicken or the egg? Low Back and Pelvic Pain

Chicken or the egg? Low Back and Pelvic Pain

Are Your Pelvic Issues Creating Your Low Back Pain or your Low Back and Hip Pain creating the Pelvic Problems? Low back and hip pain often go hand-in-hand with pelvic pain.  It is a bit of a “chicken or egg” syndrome. Which came first?  It may be the weak pelvic...
Somatics Repattern Your Muscles and Your Nervous System

Somatics Repattern Your Muscles and Your Nervous System

Gentle Somatic Yoga is Tailor-Made for People with Chronic Pain Did you know that the root cause of most chronic muscle pain is sensory-motor amnesia (SMA)?  In simple terms, years after you have recovered from a trauma to the body or emotional trauma, you can still...
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