Are You Suffering From Low Back or Hip Pain?

Are You Suffering From Low Back or Hip Pain?

You Are Not Alone! 16 million people annually see doctors for low back pain.  According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 86% of the population will experience low back pain in their lives.  While some of the pain is debilitating, most of the time it is...
Restorative Yoga –The Ultimate Healing Practice

Restorative Yoga –The Ultimate Healing Practice

Restorative Yoga is a lot harder than it looks for many of us.  Why? ​Becoming a certified restorative yoga teacher was the furthest thing from my mind when I took up yoga.  The fact is I have a hard time sitting still let alone lying still in a pose for five to...
In Yoga Deeper is not Always Better

In Yoga Deeper is not Always Better

I do not do backbends like this anymore.  Too many hours of teaching yoga, an already extreme lumbar curve, coupled with very tight hamstrings from all the tennis and running around I do has made this deep a backbend no longer appropriate for my practice. I still do...
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