The Battle Between the Head and the Heart Often Goes Unnoticed, But Can Really Hurt Your Health!
Do you ever wake up with a hundred thoughts or ideas running through your head? Maybe you have too much on your plate. Holidays will do that to us. Maybe you are ruminating over some awkward conversation that took place during Thanksgiving. Maybe all your plans are up in the air because of COVID19 or you are seriously worried about someone you know who is sick with it. Maybe you know you need to get control of your health or your emotions but are waiting for the right time.
I am not speaking from my head right now. I am speaking from my heart. I have experienced all these things and like you, I continue to struggle with misalignment between my thoughts (brain) and my intuition (heart). But since I realize it (Step1) I can work on it.

Locking into your Heart Through These Simple Steps
Step 1 is to observe the fluctuations of the mind with compassion and objectivity. In other words, step outside of yourself and imagine you are observing your dearest friend or loved one.
Step 2 is to re-align your heart and your mind and that is where HeartMath® comes in. It helps you develop practical intuition as explained by Dr. Rollin McCraty, HeartMath® Executive VP and Director of Research. “Accessing your intuition is not one quick trick…You have to practice opening and connecting with the heart for intuition to grow within you.”
One of the practices that I am certified to coach in through the HeartMath® Institute is the Heart Lock-In® Technique. It is elegantly simple, yet very powerful.
- Focus your attention in the area of the heart. Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart or chest area, breathing a little slower or deeper than usual. (I suggest to my clients a count of 5 for both inhale and exhale because the research has shown that is the optimal pace for most people to get into coherence.)
- Activate a regenerative feeling such as appreciation, care, love, or compassion. (At this time of year, you could focus on gratitude as well)
- Radiate that renewing feeling to yourself and others. (You can be very expansive with this and radiate to large groups of people or even countries, or focus these feelings on friends and/or family in need.)
The beauty of this practice is that it can be done morning, noon, and night. There are many ways to bring HeartMath® into your daily routine. In the morning, you can use it to Prep for your day. When you start to feel discouraged, tired, anxious, or feel emotionally unregulated throughout the day, you can use it to Reset yourself, and then as the day is winding down, you can practice one more time as a way to Sustain your connection to the heart.

HeartMath® Has Some Very Generous Offers for the Holiday
I have been including the HeartMath® technology in my daily practice for many reasons.
- I like to see the evidence of my heart and brain getting more connected through the breathing practices.
- It is a great reminder for me to spend those 3-10 minutes on myself.
- I notice how much lower my blood pressure is after I have completed each HearthMath® session. I have a tendency for higher blood pressure, so that is a win-win for me.
HeartMath® is having their annual Holiday sale if you want to purchase the Inner balance App, click here. They also have another Holiday Gift for you. They are offering a FREE course in The HeartMath® Experience which you can do on your own. Sign up here.
If you need someone to walk you through the myriad of HeartMath® practices to reduce stress, anxiety and to help you feel better, I now offer that as part of my Health Coaching services. Click here for more information and prices. Wishing you a Heartful, Easeful week and Holiday season.

Andrea Trank