Understanding the Difference Can Help You Heal!
How do you discover what is your truth? Interestingly, our truths often get clouded by a part of our brain protecting us—the amygdala. The amygdala is always looking out for your safety, and it also tries to match whatever you are going through today with a memory of something you have experienced in the past. It could be based on something you learned as a child, which may or may not be true for you today. The amygdala is the part of the brain containing your ego and many times it works to your benefit. However, there are times when you sense you must change but your amygdala is not comfortable with this new truth, so it keeps pulling you back into the safety of your past.
Evolving into a new truth can be scary. If you are forced into it by changing circumstances such as illness, the loss of a loved one, or other life-altering events like a pandemic, finding the new truth can provide you with a path out of pain into a new world as a new self.

Can Truth Be Found in a Book?
I spent many years prior to 2019 on a journey seeking my truth, in part, because of my anxiety and chronic pain conditions. I attended dozens of spiritual trainings and read hundreds of books by many of the “Spiritual Masters”. Sometimes I read or heard something that felt like Jiminy Cricket subtly tapping on my shoulder and whispering an important truth in my ear. Other times it was less subtle, more like a tidal wave that was knocking me over.
Each time, I struggled with the discomfort of moving away from the familiar to the unfamiliar so that I could be more aligned with the truth of my being.

Discovering My Truth Through HeartMath® and Gentle Somatic Yoga®
This past year, I was so blessed to get connected to the truth of my heart through the life-changing HeartMath® programs in which I was certified. For me, it was like coming home to something I sensed all along and knew could have helped me avoid so much suffering throughout my teaching career. This is why I am so driven to now help those in my former profession incorporate these tools into their day-to-day interactions at schools. Here is a snippet of the training I conducted recently with Teacher Leaders from a high school in Queens, NY.
I am also working with a group of teachers in Michigan, thanks to the Mindfulness Institute of Michigan, the Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE), and the Michigan Department of Education. When I am working with these educators, my heart is singing and my whole body feels more alive. This is what truth feels like in my body. What does it feel like in yours?
My other truth was finding a way to practice and teach yoga that was more nourishing to my body and soul. I have discovered that through James Knight and Gentle Somatic Yoga® (GSY). I am so passionate about James’ methods for rediscovering the “Inner Yes” and “Awakening to the Possibilities” in my body that I am now working with GSY, writing and helping develop programs as a certified instructor. Read my first article for them here.

If you are want to explore finding your truth with me, I have two free offerings this week. One is to check out my new Free GSY and Yin Yoga class on YouTube. Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel so I can offer more free videos. Secondly, you can join me this Wednesday, June 3oth at 7 pm ET for the monthly WeAddHeart HeartMath® introduction and guided session. It is just 35 minutes long and this month’s theme is “Living With Greater Truth and Authenticity.” Click Here to Register for this Free Event on Eventbrite.
Namaste, Andrea

Andrea Trank
Thanks for this useful reminder about our thoughts and emotions, Andrea.
My pleasure Nancy. Thank you for reading 🙏🏼😊