Is It A Food Intolerance, Sensitivity or Allergy?

Is It A Food Intolerance, Sensitivity or Allergy?

Knowing How Your Body Is Reacting to Foods Can Make a Huge Difference In Your Health! Understanding the nuances between a food allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity is crucial for managing dietary discomfort and your overall health. While many grasp the severity of...
All Health Begins in the Gut!

All Health Begins in the Gut!

Have You Come Across the Term “SIBO”? It’s not some extraterrestrial concept or obscure acronym. SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, and if you’re dealing with autoimmune diseases or gut-related issues, chances are you might...
Taking the Fear Out of Medical Testing!

Taking the Fear Out of Medical Testing!

Do You Dread Medical Tests? Do you avoid medical testing until you are really sick or injured?  I have experienced the White Coat Syndrome.  It was strong in me for years.  In fact, I remember calling my stepdad, who was a medical doctor so often during my thirties...
Anxiety Is Not A Feeling, It’s A Thought!

Anxiety Is Not A Feeling, It’s A Thought!

I Wish I Had Understood More About Anxiety 30 Years Ago! Have you or someone you know been told that you are anxious or are suffering from some form of mental health issue such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)or Panic Attacks?  I was labeled with both more than...
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