Are Your Pelvic Issues Creating Your Low Back Pain or your Low Back and Hip Pain creating the Pelvic Problems?
Low back and hip pain often go hand-in-hand with pelvic pain. It is a bit of a “chicken or egg” syndrome. Which came first? It may be the weak pelvic muscles causing overcompensation in other muscles including the low back, legs or abdomen, or pain from the low back or hips radiating through the nerves into the pelvis. Either way, in many cases it can be resolved through yoga therapy and physical therapy.
I am working with both a yoga therapist online, and physical therapist who is a pelvic health specialist at Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers. According to a blog post written by staff at Fyzical, “therapy is initially recommended for about 4-6 weeks to determine whether progress is being made” (with the) main goal of this type of therapy “to reduce inflammation, increase mobility, improve range of motion, restore muscle and vertebral function, and reduce or relieve back pain which should target the pelvic pain at the same time.” The article concludes that it is also “important to target inflammation and irritation that may be affecting nerve roots in the lower back or pelvic region.” THIS IS A TALL ORDER!
Mindset and Perseverance Are Necessary When it Comes to Solving Complex Health Issues!
I was initially gung-ho about getting this started when I was derailed by a number of other health concerns. Vertigo and a horrible ear incident that caused me to be deaf for an an entire weekend. I think this is a common occurrence for many of us. When we start a new routine in order to improve our health and then some other health issues take a front seat and before you know it, you have not made progress on the chronic health issue! But mindset and perspective really matter! Take a listen please.
So how do you get back on the horse so to speak and move forward?
Having a daily short routine that supports the health of your low back and hips is one way. Check out my FREE video offer below and consider adding Gentle Somatic Yoga into your daily healthy routine for Aging Vibrantly No Matter What You Are Facing!
Find Solutions to Many Chronic Pain Issues with Gentle Somatic Yoga and Yin!
I teach live Gentle Somatic Yoga and Yin Classes twice a week with changing themes. They always incorporate the latest in science of healing. You can check them out and sign up here. If you want to check me out first before deciding, there are two ways to do that: Find me on YouTube or sign up for my Free Lower Back and Hip Healing sequence below.