Getting off the Energy Roller Coaster “Summertime and living is easy”, so says Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald in this famous song. But when you are on a roller coaster of emotions and energy from living with chronic pain or a chronic autoimmune condition it may...
How much time each day do you need to manage your stress and feel your best? I used to think I needed to spend 30 minutes in the morning meditating, 1 hour or so doing exercise daily, and another 30 minutes at night back to meditating. However, after many years of...
Why Bottom-Up not Top-Down May Work for Mental Health! Today is World Mental Health Day. Perhaps we should rename this as “The Role of the Nervous System World Mental Health Day.” Here is what I have learned through my own mental health healing journey. When I was in...
Equanimity can be the Key to Finding that Peace! I have been vaguely aware of the term equanimity for some time. I heard about it in my yoga trainings and in HeartMath® sessions. This week it has popped up in my inbox several times. Considering what is going on in...