Stop Saying “Its Only Things” to Hurricane Ian Survivors

Stop Saying “Its Only Things” to Hurricane Ian Survivors

5 Things to Say and 5 Things Not to Say to A Trauma Survivor! I am home again after a month of recuperating from Hurricane Ian.  My recuperation was not necessarily physical, more emotional and mental.  I wrote about that last week.  During this time, I observed both...
Nature is Resilient and So are We!

Nature is Resilient and So are We!

What does Resilience Mean to You? Resilience is often defined as our ability to bounce back from hardships in life.  For most of us from the Fort Myers area, this is the type of resilience that is being tested in the petri dish of post-Hurricane Ian. It is human...
Can You Develop More Intuition? Science Says Yes

Can You Develop More Intuition? Science Says Yes

The Heart Knows First! Keys to Developing Intuition Have you ever had an intuition about something before the event happens? Perhaps, you are thinking about someone you haven’t seen for years and out of the blue s/he calls you. Or you sense you need to call a friend...
Uplifting Each Other without Saying a Word!

Uplifting Each Other without Saying a Word!

What Are You Feeding the Field? In my last blog, I shared how you can avoid stress by practicing HeartMath’s Coherent Communication™ to avoid drama and triggers when talking with others. (see post here) This week we look at another kind of communication, one...
Why HeartMath Tools Work So Well for Reducing Stress!

Why HeartMath Tools Work So Well for Reducing Stress!

Talk Therapy May Be Falling Short! Did you know that your heart sends more messages up to the brain than the brain sends down to the heart? This is different than the gut brain axis, where your gut is mostly responding to what the brain is telling it.  This is very...
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