Fall is Vata Season According to Yoga’s Sister Science Ayurveda!

Wherever you live, your body, mind and spirit transition with the seasons, at least that is what ancient wisdom tells us.  From my own life experience, I can attest that this is the case.

Fall is a tricky transition for many of us, especially those of us who have a preponderance of what is called Vata in our basic make up or disposition.  Vatas ( check out this online test to see if you have more of this in your Dosha)tend to be creative people.  When in balance, they like to move quickly and often flutter around like hummingbirds.  In balance, they are happy, social and very creative souls.  Physically, they are smaller boned with angular faces.  However, on the flip side and there is always a flip side, Vatas are prone to anxiety, spaciness, joint issues and gut problems.

Grounding Helps Vatas Feel Better!

When fall arrives with the increase in winds and the increase in viruses, Vatas struggle.  Throughout my life, I always was sick in the fall.  In recent years, I have worked hard to stave this off with many lifestyle and yogic strategies.  Here are a few that have worked for me and might help you:

  •  Get more sleep
  • Eat more soups (click here for one of my favorite fall soups)
  • Detox with green juices and smoothies that include dandelion greens and cilantro.
  • When practicing yoga or other mindful movement practices, lower the eyes and avoid looking up, which can be ungrounding.

You Get More than Yoga When You Participate in My Classes!

This month I am helping my clients transition to the Fall with lots of great information and practices in the Healthy Living and Yoga Club classes held twice a week online at 9 am ET on Zoom.  Here is how I started my Fall Class recently. Check out how to participate with us for more than yoga right here.

My Clients Come First!

I have decided to name my membership as a Club because when you join me, you become part of my inner circle.  You get personal attention as  I make sure your needs are always being met.  My philosophy is that the needs of the clients are paramount.  Often I am changing my class at the last minute to accomodate their needs.  Here is what Joyce E. wrote about me recently.  This was entirely unsolicitied.  “I’ve taken yoga with Andrea in person and now through Zoom for over 7 years. Andrea teaches gentle somatic yoga which is just right for my body. Never content to teach the same thing every week, Andrea takes classes on various methods and practices of yoga and shares that knowledge with her students. She brings warmth and compassion to her classes and always provides alternatives for students at all levels.” 



Wishing you an easy and healthy transition into Fall, 


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