Practical Presence Practices

Practical Presence Practices

What does it mean to be present? Being present seems like such a simple concept and yet it eludes us most of the time.  We are in the kitchen cooking a meal thinking about our friend who is struggling across the globe or we are outside exercising on a bike, thinking...
Tapping Into Your Heart For Guidance

Tapping Into Your Heart For Guidance

The Battle Between the Head and the Heart Often Goes Unnoticed, But Can Really Hurt Your Health! Do you ever wake up with a hundred thoughts or ideas running through your head?  Maybe you have too much on your plate.  Holidays will do that to us.  Maybe you are...
Breathing Well Because Your Health Depends On It

Breathing Well Because Your Health Depends On It

“Take Care of the Exhale, the Inhale will Take Care of Itself!”  ​How is your breathing?  Do you feel like you are struggling to get a breath of air?  When you inhale, are you feeling it in your chest, your rib cage, your abdomen, or all three? Do you...
How I Use Yoga to Manage Chronic Health Conditions

How I Use Yoga to Manage Chronic Health Conditions

It Might Just Work for You Too! Yoga’s mindfulness lessons on the mat practiced daily have really served me well off the mat.  Case in point.  How I am using mindfulness to help me navigate my latest health challenges. These tools would be useful for anyone who is...
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