The Intelligent Heart

The Intelligent Heart

Is Your Heart Guiding Your Decisions?  If Not, Think Again! The heart is much more than an organ that pumps blood. Spiritual leaders across various traditions have recognized this for thousands of years. For over thirty years, scientists have also demonstrated some of...
Summertime and Your Energy Budget

Summertime and Your Energy Budget

Getting off the Energy Roller Coaster  “Summertime and living is easy”, so says Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald in this famous song.  But when you are on a roller coaster of emotions and energy from living with chronic pain or a chronic autoimmune condition it may...
Moving is Like Child Birth!

Moving is Like Child Birth!

“Never Again” and Unlike Childbirth, I mean it! We have moved many times in our lives. Each time we do it, we say “Never Again!” There are so many pieces in motion all at once, and like a clock and the human body, each part is connected, creating a cascade...
Can You Choose to Age Vibrantly? I think so!

Can You Choose to Age Vibrantly? I think so!

What I Would Say to My 50 Year Old Self! This past week, a dear friend of mine and I were having a conversation about aging.  She is 14 years younger than me—just turning 50 and we were discussing her internal conflict going on.  She was getting the sense that she...
Health Trends 2023 Part 2

Health Trends 2023 Part 2

Have You Heard of Adaptogens, Hormesis or Sleep Chronotypes? In Part 1 of the series, we looked at five of the top ten 2023 health trends.  They included acknowledging the 1) connection between mental, emotional, and physical health, 2) savoring small moments of joy...
What is Trending in Health 2023 Part 1

What is Trending in Health 2023 Part 1

Mental Health Tops the List in 2023 for Many People! Are you interested in what is trending health-wise in 2023? I am. In my research,  I was excited to see that many trends are based on a growing understanding of the connection between our mental, emotional, and...
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