Hopeful and Helpful Remedies for Gut Issues

Hopeful and Helpful Remedies for Gut Issues

55% of People in the US who have been diagnosed with IBS have SIBO! Considering that 15% of the US population has been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) that is a lot of sufferers.  I recently joined the ranks of people diagnosed with SIBO (Small...
Can Yoga Help Prevent Diabetes?

Can Yoga Help Prevent Diabetes?

Scary Statistics about Type 2 Diabetes Did you know that more than half the adult population in the US has diabetes or is pre-diabetic? That was one of the shocking pieces of news I received when listening this past week to a summit on type 2 diabetes.  Here are few...
So Long Farewell

So Long Farewell

Hurricane Ian Changed the Landscape and Many People Including Us! When our world was upended by Hurricane Ian, it signaled an ending and a beginning for us.  The hurricane was the impetus we needed to make the decision to journey back home to Virginia. We are not...
Chicken or the egg? Low Back and Pelvic Pain

Chicken or the egg? Low Back and Pelvic Pain

Are Your Pelvic Issues Creating Your Low Back Pain or your Low Back and Hip Pain creating the Pelvic Problems? Low back and hip pain often go hand-in-hand with pelvic pain.  It is a bit of a “chicken or egg” syndrome. Which came first?  It may be the weak pelvic...
Managing New Symptoms with Gentle Somatic Yoga

Managing New Symptoms with Gentle Somatic Yoga

Pelvic Pain Affects 1 in 3 Women! How has your week been? Mine has been a bit challenging. When you have chronic conditions or chronic pain, each week can present new challenges.  Case in point, I have recently developed some pelvic pain.  For a few weeks, I thought I...
Yoga FAQ’s You Want To Read!

Yoga FAQ’s You Want To Read!

Frequently asked questions about yoga styles, including their similarities, differences and benefits This past week, a friend of mine asked what is the difference between Yin Yoga and Gentle Somatic Yoga? It got me to thinking about all the different styles of yoga...
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