Do you believe in the Law of Attraction and have you seen it in action?

​I must admit I was a skeptic about the Law of Attraction for years because I really did not understand how it worked and how to apply it to my life.  This past year all that changed.  I joined a group called The Year of Miracles run by  Marci Shimoff, author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Happy for No Reason, and Dr. Sue Morter, founder of the Energy Codes.

Every month for the entire year we learned about and used principles from the Law of Attraction which they called the Miracle Zone in different parts of our life— health, finances, relationships, self-love, organization, passion, and purpose, to name a few.

And it worked.  Let me preface this by saying my life was far from perfect this year and I know many people who have had a horrible year.  I am not saying this will help any of us avoid pain in life.  However, it made all the good moments better and it shortened the length of my suffering immeasurably.

Intention, Attention, No Tension

​Let me give you the details.  At the beginning of the year, I set out and wrote down three yearlong intentions for myself:

  1. to expand the reach of my yoga teaching and health coaching services to more people, while maintaining my own health and wellbeing.
  2.  to collaborate with other like-minded people in efforts to help heal others and
  3. to launch a wellness broadcast of some sort (podcast, tv show, wellness blogs, etc.).

All three of these intentions have come to fruition, but not exactly in the way I might have planned. What I learned through this process is that you cannot force these intentions.  That was the mistake I had made so often in the past.  I pushed and I stressed, and I got disappointed and then I worked harder and felt like I was running in a gerbil wheel.

This year through the program, I learned the following mantra “Intention, Attention, but no Tension”.  In other words, once I set the intention, this is where I need to focus my attention but do so without creating any tension of having to attain specific outcomes within my pre-determined time period.  As Marcie put it,  “I see this manifesting in your life in perfect divine timing.”

Practical Tools from The Year of Miracles Program

  • Write weekly or biweekly small intentions that are related to your big intentions for the year.
  • Write your wins each day even if they are not related to what you thought you wanted.
  • Share those wins with others who will support you and you can support them. In other words, form an accountability group.  In the program, we were placed in one with people we did not know.  But every two weeks we met, and we went through a process of lifting each other up.
  • Pick a foundation to focus on each week or two. The foundations can change throughout the year.  Here is the Year of Miracle’s foundations:
    1. “Listen to your soul.” This requires getting out of your head into your heart. HeartMath®
      helps me with that. Read more here about my HeartMath® services.
    2. Choose where you put your energy and attention.” (see last week’s article)
    3. “Take responsibility for your life.” (In other words, try not  to “blame, shame, or complain.” about things not going your way.)
    4. “Live with an Open Heart” by practicing gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and kindness. This week I am doing another Free WeAddHeart Meditation on Wednesday. Dec. 16 that can help. Sign up here.
    5. Lastly, a big one for me. “Trust in the Universe by seeing and accepting divine perfection at work in every situation.”  This is about “letting go” and accepting what is.  We practice this a lot during my yoga classes. You can find out more here.

Next week we will explore the difference between intentions and resolutions and why resolutions often do not work!  Wishing you a week full of miracles. Namaste, Andrea

Reach out to me at  for a FREE 20-minute consultation, and discover how Heaven Lane Healing & Creative Arts can work with you on your path toward greater health and vibrancy. 

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