As long as I can remember, my mother was in the kitchen cooking and baking homemade foods. She loved the kitchen and she was trying, with the current knowledge available, to keep her family healthy. 40 years later, as a certified health coach and functional...
What Is A Certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach And Why You Might Need One? An Integrative Medicine Health Coach uses a variety of lifestyle tools to help you feel your best regardless of your diagnosis. As a newly certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach, I...
Figuratively Speaking, Many of Us Are! Chronic stress is the equivalent of being chased by a lion day in and day out. Why? Because our bodies’ hormonal system does not distinguish between one type of threat or another. Threats activate our adrenal glands,...
Being healthy is not accomplished through pharmaceuticals or surgery! Gut healing is a personalized multi-step journey that might require a coach. When it comes to your Nutritional Journey, here are the six major steps that I recommend to clients. These are all...
Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables in your daily diet? Nobody is including me. Why? For one thing, our modern produce does not contain the same amount of nutrients as our produce grown in the past. We have depleted our soils. So you need far more...