The Intelligent Heart

The Intelligent Heart

Is Your Heart Guiding Your Decisions?  If Not, Think Again! The heart is much more than an organ that pumps blood. Spiritual leaders across various traditions have recognized this for thousands of years. For over thirty years, scientists have also demonstrated some of...
So Long Farewell

So Long Farewell

Hurricane Ian Changed the Landscape and Many People Including Us! When our world was upended by Hurricane Ian, it signaled an ending and a beginning for us.  The hurricane was the impetus we needed to make the decision to journey back home to Virginia. We are not...
What is Trending in Health 2023 Part 1

What is Trending in Health 2023 Part 1

Mental Health Tops the List in 2023 for Many People! Are you interested in what is trending health-wise in 2023? I am. In my research,  I was excited to see that many trends are based on a growing understanding of the connection between our mental, emotional, and...
How HeartMath Helped Me Deal with COVID!

How HeartMath Helped Me Deal with COVID!

I Had to Get a Handle on My Emotions to Allow for Healing! Last week I wrote about mostly the physical aspects of getting COVID.  This week I had time to reflect on how I was mentally responding during the bout with the virus.  I would give myself a B as far as a...
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