The Healing Power of  Your Hands

The Healing Power of Your Hands

Hand Mudras are an Ancient Healing Tool Used in Yoga Did you know that your hands hold an innate energetic power that has been used for centuries for healing various ailments? I have recently become fascinated with these hand gestures, known as Mudras, and how they...
The Energy and Emotional Rollercoaster of Life

The Energy and Emotional Rollercoaster of Life

Have you noticed how much better you feel when you are happy? Emotions are energy in motion.  I have heard this many times from many authors and do not know whom to attribute it to, however, it makes sense to me.  In my HeartMath® training, I have learned that there...
Reflecting on the Light During Winter Nights

Reflecting on the Light During Winter Nights

Memories of Winter’s Past If you live in the Northern hemisphere, you are about to experience the longest night of the year and the shortest day.  How do you feel about that?  Do you have good or bad memories of this season?   A couple of things stand out for...
Breathing Well Because Your Health Depends On It

Breathing Well Because Your Health Depends On It

“Take Care of the Exhale, the Inhale will Take Care of Itself!”  ​How is your breathing?  Do you feel like you are struggling to get a breath of air?  When you inhale, are you feeling it in your chest, your rib cage, your abdomen, or all three? Do you...
How I Use Yoga to Manage Chronic Health Conditions

How I Use Yoga to Manage Chronic Health Conditions

It Might Just Work for You Too! Yoga’s mindfulness lessons on the mat practiced daily have really served me well off the mat.  Case in point.  How I am using mindfulness to help me navigate my latest health challenges. These tools would be useful for anyone who is...
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