Heaven Lane’s Clients are Grateful

Heaven Lane’s Clients are Grateful

At Heaven Lane, our focus has always been on serving our clients. I use my knowledge, skills and compassion to provide my clients with ways to have their best and healthiest lives.  But don’t take it from me.  Hear it directly from the mouths of the people who...
A Day of Self Empowerment on Heaven Lane

A Day of Self Empowerment on Heaven Lane

Self-Empowerment and Self-Healing Begin with Self Love Please join us in a very important day and the culmination to our Healthy Celebration on Heaven Lane with the most important skill you can learn in your healing journey – Self Empowerment. Self Love is...
A Day of Balance on Heaven Lane

A Day of Balance on Heaven Lane

Balancing your Chakras through Yoga and Essential Oils Your Chakras are the energetic wheels within your subtle body connecting all the rivers of energy to your main energetic channel.  In Yoga and its sister science Ayurveda, most physical and emotional diseases can...
A Day of Healing on Heaven Lane

A Day of Healing on Heaven Lane

Join us for A Day of Healing! Yoga can heal what ails you.  Whether it is a pain in your lower back, a chronic condition like arthritis or osteoporosis, or breathing problems, there is a yoga practice that can help you feel better.  In many cases, it does more than...
A Healthy Celebration on Heaven Lane

A Healthy Celebration on Heaven Lane

Join us for our 1 Year Anniversary Healthy Living Celebration! We are honored and blessed to be celebrating our one year anniversary here on Heaven Lane and we have prepared a fabulous week of Healthy Living events to share with you. Come to a Day of Healing, a Day of...
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