Benefits of Intermittent Fasting For Longevity

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting For Longevity

Have You Heard the Term “Metabolic Flexibility?”    It means having a metabolism that uses either carbs or fat for energy. Most of us rely on carbs to fuel our bodies, but there is a growing body of research that switching to healthy fats for energy can have powerful...
Do the Holidays Make You Happy?

Do the Holidays Make You Happy?

More Likely If You Know and Focus on the 4 Keys to Happiness!  If you are focusing on the four keys to being happier, then probably YES, according to Dr. Albert Brooks, Harvard PhD who teaches the Art and Science of Happiness.  Those four elements are family, friends,...
What We Get Wrong About Being Happy!

What We Get Wrong About Being Happy!

Happiness is Not A Feeling! Feelings are fleeting– often lasting just a few minutes.  Its our thoughts about those feelings that last for days. How does this relate to happiness? Read on. While it’s fair to say that we are all seeking happiness, most of us are...
Want to Heal Faster and Thoroughly?

Want to Heal Faster and Thoroughly?

Combine Western and Eastern Medicine and Belief in Yourself! It has been two weeks since I face-planted on a concrete sidewalk.  In so many ways, like many things in my life, I am now seeing the gift in this trauma.  Here is what I did and learned from this accident...
A Real Life Lesson in Acute Pain

A Real Life Lesson in Acute Pain

Life Threw Me a Curve Ball this Week! It has been a week since I face-planted onto a concrete sidewalk.  Not my finest moment.  However, this was not caused by clumsiness or a lack of balance or improper shoe ware.  This was due to a very dangerous hidden situation on...
20% of US Adults Have Chronic Pain! Are You One of Them?

20% of US Adults Have Chronic Pain! Are You One of Them?

What is chronic pain and how is different from acute pain? The Cleveland Clinic defines chronic pain as pain that lasts longer than six months and continues despite the resolving of the original injury.   Acute pain, on the other hand, occurs after a very distinct...
Can Yoga Help Prevent Diabetes?

Can Yoga Help Prevent Diabetes?

Scary Statistics about Type 2 Diabetes Did you know that more than half the adult population in the US has diabetes or is pre-diabetic? That was one of the shocking pieces of news I received when listening this past week to a summit on type 2 diabetes.  Here are few...
Are You Ready for Vata Season?

Are You Ready for Vata Season?

Fall is Vata Season According to Yoga’s Sister Science Ayurveda! Wherever you live, your body, mind and spirit transition with the seasons, at least that is what ancient wisdom tells us.  From my own life experience, I can attest that this is the case. Fall is a...
Is It A Rational Decision or Not?

Is It A Rational Decision or Not?

Time is Not the Only Thing Needed for Healing! It has been a year since Mark and I learned first-hand the destructive force of water.  The storm surge was not what we had prepared for and worried about prior to Hurricane Ian.  That changed on Sept. 28, 2022.  We no...
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