What Is A Certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach And Why You Might Need One? An Integrative Medicine Health Coach uses a variety of lifestyle tools to help you feel your best regardless of your diagnosis. As a newly certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach, I...
Figuratively Speaking, Many of Us Are! Chronic stress is the equivalent of being chased by a lion day in and day out. Why? Because our bodies’ hormonal system does not distinguish between one type of threat or another. Threats activate our adrenal glands,...
Do You Need to Detox in the first place? Unless you are living in a bubble or live in a remote region where there is no pollution, access to junk food, chemical cleaners or typical personal care items, then the answer is YES. The fact is in our modern world, our...
What is a Cleanse? Why should I do it? What are the safe ways to do it? A cleanse is a way of cleaning your pipes out so that your internal systems (most importantly your gut) will work more efficiently. Think of it like you would think of a Tune-up for your car. ...
You will Feel Healthier This Fall Do you have allergies? Do you feel sluggish? Are you having skin breakouts? Do you fart, burp or experience stomach pains after eating? Are your joints inflamed? Are you experiencing brain fog? If you said yes to any of these...