My Yoga Practice Was No Longer Working For Me! Several years ago, I was teaching 10 yoga classes a week and my body was not feeling great. In fact, my chiropractor told me that he was seeing more and more injured yoga teachers. A 2018 study found that certain types...
What I Would Say to My 50 Year Old Self! This past week, a dear friend of mine and I were having a conversation about aging. She is 14 years younger than me—just turning 50 and we were discussing her internal conflict going on. She was getting the sense that she...
To Heal Anxiety, Stop Thinking of it as a Disease! “It’s a simple fact: Nobody likes to feel anxious. Anxiety is among the most pervasive and reviled of human emotions. And since it’s unhealthy, we all agree, we should prevent and eradicate it like any other illness....
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times in Balancing the Throat Chakra Ancient yogis believed the Throat Chakra to be so important that it had the most Lotus petals in the representation of it than any other lower Chakras (the Crown Chakra is represented with 1000 petals of...
What is a Mudra and Why You Should Care? Has your yoga teacher ever asked you to put your thumb tip against your index finger and rest that on the lap either facing up or down? He or she may have even told you that you were practicing Gyana or Chin Mudra, also known...
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