Recipe of the Month Blog My Version of Brazilian Cheese Bread without eggs, milk, cheese or grains Super Yummy Ingredients for Pão de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread without Cheese and Eggs) 2 Cups Polvilho Azedo 1.5 Cups Polvilho Doce 1 cup of cooked Sweet Potato 1...
Recipe of the Month Blog Directions for Energy Balls 1. Put the dates in the processor and grind it up. 2. Remove dates and place them in a bowl. 3. Grind up the macadamia nuts in the processor. 4. Add back in the dates, two TBSP. of almond or peanut butter...
Recipe of the Month Blog Directions for Clam Chowder on the Stove 1.Drain the juice from the can of clams and use them to saute the minced shallots. Add garlic after a few minutes. 2. Add celery or bok choy, carrots and sweet potatoes to the skillet along with 1.5...
What Is A Certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach And Why You Might Need One? An Integrative Medicine Health Coach uses a variety of lifestyle tools to help you feel your best regardless of your diagnosis. As a newly certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach, I...
Homemade Cooking Can HealIf you are trying to recover from surgery or illness or have decided it is time to eat food that you can control the ingredients, then you are in the right place. My mother spent years teaching me how to cook. Granted I do not cook the same...
Figuratively Speaking, Many of Us Are! Chronic stress is the equivalent of being chased by a lion day in and day out. Why? Because our bodies’ hormonal system does not distinguish between one type of threat or another. Threats activate our adrenal glands,...
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